5:00PM - Meeting with Dustin and Josh
*Research Update
- Colorado International Poster Collection
>Employes a folder and lateral map cabinet method with archival tissue dividers between each poster
>Josh suggested I take a screen shot of the online database in action and take note of the metadata fields and think about which would be most useful for Vera's purposes
*Poster Workflow
-Create a form to be filled out at the creation of a new poster containing metadata fields
-once the poster reaches the Admin Archives Intern it will have all the necessary data attached to it and ready to be entered into the electronic database.
-the form should also include copyright restrictions: there needs to be a clear definition of who has what rights for each poster. *Dustin will look into this.
*Photo Workflow
-create a donation form similar to the form for posters
-Entry into database start with a high level batch catalog of each photo in a series of photos for all the info that is common to each photograph
-after batch catalog go back and add details and tags that are specific to each individual photo
-consider including tags for print quality photos: establish a standard for print quality
*Scope of Research
-Some sources can be very pedantic and heavy with archival jargon
-Focus on Dublin Core metadata and "Content" metadata
-Examine CSU online poster system and other online examples created with Content DM
*Database Debriefing and Planning
-focus on choice of metadata fields and tags
-"Get our house in order" map out and clean up the network drive
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