Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day Two At Vera 10-28-09

I arrived at Vera just a few minutes late today. Again I found both Dustin and Josh at the front, naturally for Dustin, because he works at the front desk. We proceeded together to the staff meeting room to iron out scheduling issues and to discuss some questions I had raised. First, we agreed on the option of off-site research, which was certainly a relief. Second, we agreed that communication via email would be best, but also decided that we would all have each others phone numbers in case of more urgent matters. Josh also suggested that I include a contact list on the wiki. Again, the wiki would be for sharing specific data. After this, I asked for a list of staff members I would be interviewing and a very brief description of each of them, which I have placed at the end of this blog entry.

This led to the discussion of more ideas for the interview process where Josh suggested I have certain staff walk me through their tasks specifically people like Teri, our Archive admin intern, who is responsible for scanning posters, photographs, and news clippings for the electronic archive. I should also map out the current electronic archive (organized via the standard Microsoft Windows folder system). A rather intriguing matter though, it turns out that Vera will be getting an electronic database from a company called N-Power, which will be tracking volunteers as well as show and class statistics. I will be considering/pursuing the possibility of incorporating the archives into this database if possible. Finally, we concluded by discussing Craigslist finds and funding. From time to time, I have been and will continue to look for low-cost/free storage options.

In fact I found another metal map cabinet pictured here and much like the one we already have. It is for sale at the price of $50 in Lake Stevens. I am currently waiting to hear back from the fellow who is selling it. This concluded our discussion and at about 6pm, I entered the archive/storage space to resume my duties I will continue to organize the space, tag all items in question, eventually update the inventory, and keep in mind specific details to compile into a formal report on the condition of the space with ideas, recommendations, and a wish-list.

I began by measuring out the space. As you can see space is limited, but I have feeling once we get much of the unnecessary item removed, the space will be much more accessible. I came to the conclusion that we may want to extended the height of the shelves in the heel section and possibly reduce the space between the shelves the specifically accommodate the financial and staff records boxes. Otherwise there is a lot of wasted space between the tops of these boxes and the selves above and below them. If we adjust these shelves to their specific size we can put more shelving in and thus fit more records into the same space.

After coming to this conclusion, it then naturally followed that I ended up spending the majority of my time in the heel section where I began first by taming Vera's pet Anaconda pictured here. I'm not sure what the purpose is of the electronic device to which it connects itself. Oh, and I decided to spare you the images of the brief yet frightening moment when this beast had me by the throat! Soon thereafter, I found many other frightening beasts in this section. There were a lot of boxes filled with random items. One which I labeled "Madness!" appeared to be a collection of items hastefully cleared away from the desk of some past staff member - essentially office supplies, a few books, and a copy of Microsoft Word. It gets worse. I then encountered a box with no lid containing a collection of VHS tapes, other random items, and a happy birthday sign. Given the limited amount of time, like last week, I tried not to focus much more attention on the items individually but rather as a whole: simply taking notice at what appeared clearly labeled, neat and organized, and what did not. Whatever did not appear so I attached post-it notes to. Otherwise, I moved all the unused file folders and envelopes into the file-cabinet for the time being and placed all the Board of Directors binders on the far left of the heel shelf for easy access and visibility - until a better place can be found.

Despite my encounter with the anaconda and the second round of death metal to accompany it, I emerged relatively (to last week) unscathed.


5:00pm - Meeting with Josh and Dustin
- Josh gave the ok for off-site research
- regular schedule will be Wed 5-8pm, Thurs 2-5pm
- Email will be the primary method
- we exchanged phone numbers in case of urgent matters
- contact info to be posted on the wiki
*Blog and Wiki
- Create a tagging vocabulary for blog
- use Wiki to share specific data, documents, links, etc...
- Dustin gave me a list of staff names, job titles, and job descriptions (see below)
- Josh suggested I have Teri, the Admin Archive Intern, walk me through the electronic archive
entry process.
- I should "map out" the electronic archives.
*Vera statistics database by N-Power
- consider integrating archives into this software
- Meet with Shannon and Alex to discuss this.
*Storage options via craigslist
- found another map drawer for sale (50$) will call to inquire.
- ask for donations?
- Dustin will check on funding for this.
6:00pm In the Archives
*Measuring the Space
- Drew a diagram
-concluded that shelving in the Heel section ought to be expanded and adjusted to make better
use of the space.
*labeled questionable boxes
- any boxes that were particularly disorganized, unlabeled, or containing mixed items were
*Significant Changes
- moved Board of Directors binders to the far left of the heel shelf
- moved all empty file folders and envelopes to the file cabinet
- consolidated all desk lamps into one box
- moved jumbo envelopes and disassembled storage boxes to the top of the Shin Shelf.

*Staff List
Shannon – Managing Director
Develops business and strategic plans as well as organizational documents

Nick – Development Director
Fundraising, grant writing, stores items from related events into archives
-Works with Serina, the Development Assistant

Josh – Program Director
Coordinates shows, classes, and partnerships
-Works with Jefferey the Audio Engineer and archivist

*Alex – Facilities
Updates the website, general facility maintenance, gives admin support to

*Tristan – Booking
Coordinates designs and designers of posters for events

Venessa – Bookkeeper (leaving soon)
Handles financial records

*Terri – Admin Archive Intern (leaving soon)
Scans printed materials into the electronic archive
-Julia was the former Admin Archive Intern
* arrange for a walk-through of these individuals’ specific tasks

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